Personal Details.
Name: Joel Stephen Robert McCaul
BA (Hons) Fine Art (Foundation) – University of Cumbria.
BA (Hons) Fine Art – University of Lincoln. (First Class Honours)
Selected Exhibitions
‘A Series of Functional Objects’ (2022) - Just Call it Art - Project Space Plus, University of Lincoln.
Located Practice, University of Lincoln
Beyond the Gallery, Various on site locations in Lincoln.
Bodies of Practice, Various on site locations in Lincoln. Documentation available at https://bodies of
‘Then the Wheels Flew Off’, Carlisle - University Of Cumbria.
Frameworks, The Art CriDick, Available @The_Art_CriDick on Instagram.
Selected Employment History
(2021- )Cooking and decorating Waffles, Crepes and Cakes not only to a high culinary standard but also to a high visual standard. Making coffees and hot drinks. Cleaning, greeting customers and using the till.
(2018, 2019 and 2021) General labouring for a large Arts Festival. Erecting fencing, Painting gallery walls, interacting with the general Public regarding information about the festival and its events. Set up festival site and green room for Artists such as The Specials, Public Image Ltd. And The Undertones.
Relevant Skills.
-Ability to create work both solo or collaborative in response to a brief.
-Ability to produce and deliver a public seminar and/or workshop to an audience.
-Ability to effectively market an exhibition to a range of target audiences and use social media to gather and connect to this audience to a high level. (Ran the Twitter for the Just Call it Art exhibition. @JustCallitArt on Twitter.)
-Adept at understanding and meeting the health and safety regulations of a venue.
-Proficient in the use of creative digital softwares including the Adobe creative cloud, Final Cut Pro and Procreate.